Strategy and Planning

Why is Strategy important?

As JFK states, “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction”.

Sometimes we need a friendly reminder of the why and what of our efforts.

A strategy is the perfect tool that reminds us and our team of the purpose, principles, outcomes and actions of the business. It prevents individuals from losing sight of their individual and team goals and objectives. This is extremely important when the going gets tough or when you need to make some key decisions. It’s also a great tool to share with others who need more clarity before teaming up with you, not to mention some important information for your customer and stakeholder base.

Triple S Planning© Model

Developed from experience, the Triple S Planning© Model is a simple but powerful tool to enable development and growth.

Through exploring and analysing Strategy, Synergy and Systems, and guided by financial management best practice, community-based protocol and nature-based principles, I offer recommendations and referrals, focusing on both the individual and business/organisational needs.

  • Strategy – a focus  point established by a shared or collective purpose, vision or goal
  • Synergy – level of cohesive interaction created from shared values and principles
  • Systems – flexible  and new ways of working developed for one another

Connect with Courtney today,

Courtney Wilson
m: +61 (0)417 107 888e: